Типы придаточных предложений в английском языке упражнения. Упражнения по английскому языку на придаточные условные предложения. Что такое придаточные предложения времени и условия


1 Underline any relative pronouns that can be left out in these sentences.

1 I think that my boss is the person who I admire most.

2 Harry, who was tired, went to bed very early.

3 Were taking the train that leaves at 6.00.

4 Have you seen the book that I left here on the desk?

5 The film which we liked most was the French one.

6 My radio, which isn’t very old, has suddenly stopped working.

7 The clothes which you left behind are at the reception desk.

8 The couple who met me at the station took me out to dinner.

9 Last week I ran into an old friend who I hadn’t seen for ages.

10 Don’t cook the meat that I put in the freezer - it’s for the dog.

2 Replace the relative pronouns in italics with that , where possible.

1 This is the magazine which I told you about.

... This is the magazine that I tild you about .............................

2 John’s flat, which is in the same block as mine, is much larger.

3 The girl whose bag I offered to carry turned out to be an old friend.

4 The policeman who arrested her had recognized her car.

5 I work with someone who knows you.

6 We don’t sell goods which have been damaged.

7 Brighton, which is on the south coast, is a popular holiday resort.

8 I don’t know anyone whose clothes would fit you.

9 There’s a cafe near here which serves very good meals.

10 People who park outside get given parking tickets.

3 Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

1 My friend Jack, that / who / whose parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.

2 Here’s the computer program that / whom / whose I told you about.

3 I don’t believe the story that / who / whom she told us.

4 Peter comes from Witney, that / who / which is near Oxford.

5 This is the gun with that / whom / which the murder was committed.

6 Have you received the parcel whom / whose / which we sent you?

7 Is this the person who / which / whose you asked me about?

8 That’s the girl that / who / whose brother sits next to me at school.

9 The meal, that / which / whose wasn’t very tasty, was quite expensive.

10 We didn’t enjoy the play that / who / whose we went to see.

4 Put one suitable word in each space, or leave the space blank where possible.

MURDER AT THE STATION by Lorraine Small Episode 5: Trouble on the 6.15 The story so far:

Jane Platt, (1) ….who... is travelling to London because of a mysterious letter, is the only person (2)............................ witnesses a murder at Victoria Station. The detective to (3)........................... she gives her statement then disappears. Jane goes to an office in Soho to answer the letter (4)................................. she had received. There she discovers that her uncle Gordon, (5)............................... lives in South America, has sent her a small box (6)............................ she is only to open if in trouble. Jane,(7)......................... parents have never mentioned an Uncle Gordon, is suspicious of the box, (8)........................... she gives to her friend Tony. They go to Scotland Yard and see Inspector Groves, (9)............................... has not heard of the Victoria Station murder, (10)....................... was not reported to the police. Jane gives Inspector Groves the murdered man"s ticket, (11)........................... she found beside his body. Then Jane and Tony decide to go to Redhill, (12)................................... was. The town (13)....................... the murdered man had come from. On the train they meet a man, (14).................................. face is somehow familiar to Jane, (15)......................... says he knows her Uncle Gordon …

5 Put a suitable relative pronoun in each space, or leave the space blank where possible.

1 My bike, ...wich............ I had left at the gate, had disappeared.

2 The shoes............................ I bought were the ones................................... I tried on first.

3 The bag in.........................the robbers put the money was found later.

4 The medicine.............................the doctor gave me had no effect at all.

5 Peter,................................... couldn’t see the screen, decided to change his seat.

6 I really liked that tea............................. you made me this morning.

7 What was the name of your friend.................................... tent we borrowed?

8 The flight......................................... Joe was leaving on was cancelled.

6 Make one sentence from each group of sentences, beginning as shown.

1 The hotel was full of guests. The hotel was miles from anywhere. The guests had gone there to admire the scenery.

The hotel, which. ..was miles from anywhere was full of guests who had gone there to admire the scenery......

2 I lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in France.

The book I...........................................................................................................

3 A woman’s handbag was stolen. A police officer was staying in the same hotel. The woman was interviewed by him.

The woman whose...........................................................................................

4 A goal was scored by a teenager. He had come on as substitute. This goal won the match.

The goal which......................................................................................................

5 I was sitting next to a boy in the exam. He told me the answers.

The boy I.......................................................................

6 My wallet contained over £100. It was found in the street by a schoolboy. He returned it.

My wallet,.............................................................................................................

7 My friend Albert has decided to buy a motorbike. His car was stolen last week. My friend Albert,..............................................................................

8 Carol is a vegetarian. I cooked a meal for her last week. She enjoyed it. Carol,......................................................................................................................

7 Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences. Begin as shown, and use the word given in capitals.

Brenda is a friend. I went on holiday with her.

Brenda is ...the friend who I went on holiday .................................

This is Mr Smith. His son Bill plays in our team.

This is Mr Smith.......................................................................................


Her book was published last year. It became a best seller.

Her book....................................................................................................


This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it.

This is the bank from...............................................................................


I told you about a person. She is at the door.

The person................................................................................................

Jack’s car had broken down. He had to take a bus.



8 Make one sentence from each group of sentences, beginning as shown.

1 I got on a train. I wanted to go to a station. The train didn’t stop there.

The train I.. got on didn"t stop at the station I wanted to go to ......................

2 I read a book. You recommended a book to me. This was the book.

The book I........................................................................................................................

3 The ship hit an iceberg and sank. Warning messages had been sent to it. The ship ignored these.

The ship,............................................................................................................................

4 The postman realized I was on holiday. You had sent me a parcel. The postman left it next door.

The postman,....................................................................................................................

5 I used to own a dog. People came to the door. The dog never barked at them. The dog I...........................................................................................................................

6 I bought my bike from a woman. She lives in a house. You can see the house over there.

The woman I....................................................................................................................

7 We went to a beach on the first day of our holiday. It was covered in seaweed. This smelled a lot.

The beach we...................................................................................................................

8 My neighbours have three small children. The children make a lot of noise.

My neighbours never apologize.

My neighbours,................................................................................................................

9 I bought a new computer. It cost me a lot of money.

The new.............................................................................................................................

9 These sentences are all grammatically possible, but not appropriate in speech. Rewrite each sentence so that it ends with the preposition in italics.

1 Margaret is the girl with whom I went on holiday.

... Margaret is the girl I went on holiday ..........................

2 The golf club is the only club of which I am a member.

3 That’s the girl about whom we were talking.

4 It was a wonderful present, for which I was extremely grateful.

5 This is the school to which I used to go.

6 Is this the case in which we should put the wine glasses?

7 Can you move the chair on which you are sitting?

8 That’s the shop from which I got my shoes.

9 Is that the person next to whom you usually sit?

10 This is Bill, about whom you have heard so much.

Тип Придаточное предложение (условие) Главное предложение Пример Перевод
1 . Реальное условие, относящееся к настоящему, будущему или прошедшему времени Present Simple V/Vs Future Simple shall/will + V If I have money, I will buy a car.
If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.
Если у меня будут деньги, я куплю машину.
Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдем гулять.
2. Нереальное или маловероятное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени Past Simple 2fV
Глагол to be будет иметь форму множественного числа
Future-in-the Past Simple would/should/ could/might + V If the weather was fine, I went for a walk.
If I were a princess, I would live in a palace.
If I had money, I would buy a car.
Если погода была хорошей, мы ходили гулять.
Если бы я была принцессой, я бы жила во дворце.
Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы купил машину.
3. Нереальное условие, относящееся к прошлому времени Past Perfect had + 3fV Future-in-the Past Perfect would/should/could/might + have + 3fV If I had had money last year, I would have bought a car. Если бы у меня были деньги в прошлом году, я бы купил машину.

Бессоюзные условные предложения

Если условные (придаточные) предложения содержат глаголы had, were, could, should, то возможно бессоюзная связь главного и придаточного предложений. В этом случае эти глаголы ставятся перед подлежащим, союз if опускается. Такой порядок слов называется инверсией.
Перевод таких предложений следует начинать с союза «если бы».
E.g. Had he a dictionary, he could translate the text. – Если бы у него был словарь, он смог бы перевести текст.
Should he come, ask him to wait. – Если он придет, попросите его подождать.

Условные предложения. Сослагательное наклонение после "I wish”

Условные предложения I типа

If I
Если я
live in the country
буду жить за городом,
find my book
найду свою книгу
I shall
Я буду
bathe every day.
купаться каждый день.
be very glad.
очень рад.

Условные предложения II типа

I wish I were
If I were
Если бы я был
at the camp в лагере
a scientist ученым
I should
я бы
have a very good time.
хорошо проводил время.
invent a time machine.
изобрел машину времени.

Условные предложения III типа

I wish I had
Если бы я был
If I had
Если бы я был
translated the article yesterday
перевел статью.
learned my lesson
выучил урок
I should have
Я бы
found out all about this discovery.
узнал бы все об этом открытии.
got a good mark.
получил бы хорошую отметку.

Упражнение 1.
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
1. I’ll ask Tom if I see him today.
2. We would go to the party if we had time tomorrow.
3. She would pass her exam next month if she worked harder.
4. She would be happy if she met him at the party next Sunday.
5. We’ll go nowhere tomorrow if it rains.
6. If she knew his phone number, she would call him next week.
7. If J. London had not learned life from his own experience, he could not have written his great works.
8. Had the science of radio not been developed so rapidly, we should not have got such remarkable changes in the technique today.
9. Had he been a young man, he would have taken part in the expedition.
10. If you had applied this method, you would have got better results.

Упражнение 2.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму
1. The trains all (stop) … if it snowed heavily.
2. If you (go out) … in cold weather without a coat, you would catch a cold.
3. If I saw a cheap second- hand car, I (buy) … it.
4. If you ate well and exercised regularly, you (live) … 100 years.
5. You would have had stomach ache if you (eat) … too much of that cake.
6. If it (rain) … this afternoon, I (take)… my umbrella.
7. If you did not drive carefully, you (have) … an accident.
8. If you (study) … for a higher qualification, you (get) … a better job next year.
9. If you sent the letter by first class mail, it (get) … there the following day.
10. If the weather is fine, we (go) for a picnic.

Упражнение 3.
Завершите следующие предложения.
1. I’ll ask him to lend me the money (если я вижу его).
2. You’ll be late (если не поедете на автобусе).
3. Will you help me (если мне нужна будет ваша помощь)?
4. I’d lend you the money (если бы у меня были деньги).
5. If I had her address (я бы дал вам его).
6. If they had gone by car, (они бы сэкономили время).
7. If my mother won a million pounds, (она бы потратила их очень быстро).
8. If I had more time, (я бы прочитал больше книг).
9. (если я буду чувствовать себя хорошо), I’ll be in class tomorrow.
10. He would have come to the party last Sunday (если бы его пригласили).

Упражнение 4.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующей форме.
1. If I (to have) this rare book, I should gladly lend it to you.
2. The dish would have been much more tasty if she (to be) a better cook.
3. He never (to phone) you if I hadn’t reminded him to do that.
4. Your brother (to become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.
5. If he (to be) more courageous, he would not be afraid.
6. If the fisherman had been less patient, he (not to catch) so much fish.
7. If you (to put) the ice-cream into the refrigerator, it would not have melted.
8. If I (to know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.
9. If you had let me know yesterday, I (to bring) you my book.
10. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.

Упражнение 5.
Образуйте условные предложения.
Ex.g.: The weather is not fine and we won’t go for a walk. – If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk”.
1. He is busy and does not come. If…
2. The girl did not study well last year and received bad marks. If…
3. He broke his bicycle and so he did not go to the country. If…
4.He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If…
5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that’s why I did not come to see you. If…
6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that’s why it struck a rock. If…
7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If…
8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If…
9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If …
10. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If …

Упражнение 6.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующей форме сослагательного наклонения после "I wish”.
1. The unfortunate pupil wishes he (not to forget) to learn the rule.
2. I wish I (to have) a season ticket to the Philharmonic next winter.
3. I wish I (to consult) the teacher when I first felt that mathematics was too difficult for me.
4. I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round.
5. I wish I (not to lend) Nick my watch: he has broken it.
6. I wish you (to send) word as soon as you arrive.
7. I wish I (not to have) to do my homework every day.
8. I wish you (to go) skiing with me yesterday: I had such a good time!
9. I wish I (to know) Spanish.
10. I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I could not sleep half the night.

Упражнение 7
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Если бы он не был так близорук (short-sighted), он бы узнал меня вчера в театре.
2. Она здорова. Если бы она была больна, ее брат сказал бы мне об этом вчера.
3. Вы бы много знали, если бы регулярно читали этот журнал.
4. Если бы я узнала об этом раньше, то не сидела бы сейчас дома.
5. Если бы мои родители были богаты, они бы уже давно купили мне машину.
6. Она очень талантлива. Хорошо бы родители купили ей пианино. Если она начнет играть сейчас, она будет выдающимся (distinguished) музыкантом.
7. Если бы я знал французский, я бы уже давно поговорил с ней.
8. Если бы я знал немецкий язык, я бы читал Гете в оригинале (in the original).
9. Если бы я жил близко, я бы чаще (more often) заходил к вам.
10. Если бы вы не прервали (to interrupt) нас вчера, мы бы закончили работу в срок.

Упражнение 8.
Допишите следующие предложения.
1. You would know English better if …
2. I should have left Moscow yesterday if …
3. If I were you, …
4. If I had known that it was going to rain, …
5. I shall go for a walk, if …
6. I should lend you my textbook if …
7. If we had bought the tickets, …
8. If they were here, …
9. We should be glad if …
10. If he were younger, …

Упражнение 9.
Опустите союз в следующих условных предложениях, сделав соответствующие изменения в предложении.
Ex.g.: If we had gone there later, we would have seen them. – Had we gone there later, we would have seen them».
1. If I had time, I should study French.
2. If you should find them, kindly let me know.
3. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there.
4. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it.
5. If he were here I should speak to him.
6. If he were in town, he would help us.
7. If he should come, tell him to wait.
8. If I had enough money, I would travel.
9. If I were you, I should go there immediately.
10. If I were in his place, I should refuse.

1. Завершите УП, определив их тип по форме глагола в первой части предложений.

Например: If the film is boring we … (leave) at once. (Если фильм будет скучным, мы сразу же уйдем.) – If the film is boring we will leave at once.

She would look much younger if she … (be) slim. (Она бы выглядела намного моложе, если бы была стройной.) – She would look much younger if she were slim.

1. If the flight is delayed our guests … (be) late. (Если рейс задержат, наши гости опоздают.)

2. We would have gone to the beach if the rain … (stop). (Мы бы сходили на пляж, если бы дождь прекратился.)

3. They will miss the train if they … (not run.) (Они опоздают на поезд, если не побегут.)

4. If you had given her the letter she … (tear) it to pieces. (Если бы ты дал ей письмо, она бы разорвала его на кусочки.)

5. If Jack moves too slowly he … (not win) the game. (Если Джек будет двигаться слишком медленно, он не победит в игре.)

6. If I lost my job I … (move) to the country. (Если бы я потеряла работу, я бы переехала в сельскую местность.)

7. She would invite our kids if they … (behave) themselves. (Она бы пригласила наших детей, если бы они вели себя хорошо.)

8. If Tom were more careful he … (not break) things. (Если бы Том был более внимательным, он бы не ломал вещи.)

9. If she had had a car she … (drive) there. (Если бы у нее была машина, она бы туда доехала.)

10. You wouldn’t have got wet if you … (put on) your mackintosh. (Ты бы не промок, если бы надел плащ.)

2. Составьте список того, о чем мечтает маленький Джонни, используя II тип условных предложений. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

Например: If I had much money I would buy a sports car. (Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы купил спортивную машину.)

If I had much money … …make a strawberry cake.

If I were tall … …buy a sports car .

If I knew French well … …save people.

If I could cook … …play basketball.

If I had a bunch of flowers … …move to Canada.

If I were a fireman … …give it to Alice.

3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму, обращая внимание на тип условных предложений.

0 тип

1. When my sister … (come) to town we … (go) to the cinema together. (Когда моя сестра приезжает в город, мы ходим вместе в кино.)

2. If my kids … (run) in the playground they … (become) very thirsty. (Если мои дети бегают на игровой площадке, они очень хотят пить.)

I тип

1. If it … (cost) too much I … (not take) it. (Если он стоит слишком много, я не возьму его.)

2. She … (be) angry if you … (lose) this photo. (Она разозлится, если ты потеряешь эту фотографию.)

3. If you … (not eat up) the bread we … (feed) the birds in the garden. (Если вы не съедите хлеб, мы покормим птиц в саду.)

II тип

1. If I … (have) free time now I … (watch) my favourite film. (Если бы у меня было свободное время сейчас, я бы посмотрел любимый фильм.)

2. If I … (be) you I … (not eat) fast food. (На твоем месте я бы не ел фаст фуд.)

3. His job … (be) so hard if he … (not have) a secretary. (Его работа была бы такой тяжелой, если бы у него не было секретаря.)

III тип

1. If you … (not smoke) so much you … (not be) in hospital now. (Если бы ты не курил столько, ты бы сейчас не лежал в больнице.)

2. If we … (meet) him yesterday we … (call) you. (Если бы мы встретили его вчера, мы бы позвонили тебе.)


1. will be
2. had stopped
3. don’t run
4. would have torn
5. won’t win (will not win)
6. would move
7. behaved
8. wouldn’t break
9. would have driven
10. had put on

If I were tall I would play basketball. (Если бы я был высоким, я бы играл в баскетбол.)
If I knew French well I would move to Canada. (Если бы я знал французский хорошо, я бы переехал в Канаду.)
If I could cook I would make a strawberry cake. (Если бы я мог готовить, я бы сделал клубничный торт.)
If I had a bunch of flowers I would give it to Alice. (Если бы у меня был букет цветов, я бы подарил его Алисе.)
If I were a fireman I would save people. (Если бы я был пожарным, я бы спасал людей.)

0 тип
1. comes – go
2. run – become
I тип
1. costs – will not take (won’t take)
2. will be – lose
3. don’t eat up – will feed
II тип
1. had – would watch
2. were – wouldn’t eat
3. would be – didn’t have
III тип
1. hadn’t smoked – wouldn’t have been
2. had met – would have called

Хотя , пока будем формально считать, что время глагола, которое называется Future Simple Tense, является основным для выражения будущего времени в английском языке. Кстати, в сложных предложениях времени и условия в английском языке, о которых пойдет речь в этом уроке, используется именно Future Simple Tense.

  1. Что такое придаточные предложения времени и условия?

Могут относиться к настоящему и будущему времени (реальные условия), а также бы нереальными. В этом уроке речь пойдет о сложных предложениях, которые относятся к будущему времени , типа

Если погода будет хорошая, я пойду гулять.

Такие предложения в английском языке называются условными предложениями ПЕРВОГО ТИПА (First Conditionals). Другое название — When and If Sentences / First Conditional and Time Clauses.

Обратите внимание, что в примере на русском языке в обеих частях : в первой части (придаточной) и во второй части (главной), употребляется будущее время.

Однако в английском языке работает ПРАВИЛО: после IF/ WHEN — нет будущего.

Оно означает, что в придаточном предложении вместо Future Simple, нужно употреблять Present Simple.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Вместо союза ЕСЛИ может стоять любой другой союз времени или условия.

Теперь настало время познакомиться с союзами времени и условия.

2. Союзы времени и условия в английском языке

Если вы начинающий, то запомните два главных союза if (если) и when (когда).

  • I will stay if she comes. — Я останусь, если она придет.
  • I will leave when he comes. — Я уйду, когда он придет.

А. Условные союзы в английском языке:

  1. if — если
  2. unless — если не
  3. on condition that — при условии что
  1. I will stay if she comes. — Я останусь, если она придет.
  2. I will stay providing she comes. — Я останусь при условии, если только она придет.
  3. I won’t stay unless she comes. — Я не останусь, если она не придет.

Обратите внимание, что в английских условных предложениях запятая отсутствует.

В. Союзы времени в английском языке

  1. when — когда
  2. as soon as — как только
  3. till (until) — до тех пор пока (не)
  4. before — раньше, до того как
  5. after — после
  1. I will leave when he comes. — Я уйду, когда он придет.
  2. I will leave as soon as he comes. — Я уйду, как только он придет.
  3. I won’t leave till he comes. — Я не уйду, пока он не придет.
  4. I had left before he came. — Я ушел до того, как он пришел.
  5. I left after he had come. — Я ушел после того, как он пришел.

Итак, подведем итоги этой темы и сформулируем еще раз основное ПРАВИЛО.

В придаточных предложениях, относящихся к будущему, после союзов when и if и других вместо будущего времени (Future Simple), надо употреблять наcтоящее (Present Simple). Такие предложения в английском языке называются First Conditional and Time Clauses.

Для самопроверки выберите правильный вариант.

Я надеюсь, что вы внимательно прочитали правило, примеры и перевод. Если же ваше мнение отличается от мнения БОЛЬШИНСТВА, то вернитесь к началу урока. А мы переходим к упражнениям.

3. Придаточные предложения времени и условия в английском языке. Упражнения на First Conditionals

ВНИМАНИЕ! Данные предложения не являются условными. В них правило не работает!
I’d like to know when Dan will be back . – Я хотела бы знать, когда вернется Дэн.
I don’t know if she will come home. – Я не знаю, вернется ли она домой.

Упражнение (вводное).

1. I wonder if he (laugh) all day.
2. She will buy a new bag when she (arrive) to London.
3. I will stay here till he (come).
4. Tell him about it if he (want).
5. I wonder when somebody (come and tell) her what to do.
6. Do you know if your uncle (come back) from his trip tomorrow?
7. Don’t tell her about it before she (ask).
8. I will know all about it when I (get) a letter from her.
9. She will catch bad cold unless she (go and change) her wet shoes.
10. I wonder when you (be ready) and if you (be on time).
11. I am not sure when she (return).
12. Will you wait until he (come)?
13. Please, book a return ticket if you (get) to New York.
14. I shall cut some sandwiches in case they (be) hungry.

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски союзами when или if.

Выполните упражнение, если вы путаете союзы when и if.

1. … I go home tonight, I’ll have a bath.
2. … there is a good programme on TV, I’ll watch it.
3. … there’s nothing in the fridge, we’ll eat out.
4. We’ll go skiing next winter … we have enough money.
5. … it’s a nice day tomorrow, we’ll go swimming.
6. I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll phone you … I arrive.
7. We’re thinking of going to Spain for our holidays. … we decide to go, I’ll let you know.

Упражнение 2 . Вставьте вместо точек when или if.

Похожее упражнение, но во второй части иногда встречается повелительное наклонение.

1. … you can’t do your homework, ask for help.
2. I’ll give the money back to you, … I see you next time.
3. I’ll come to bed … this programme ends.
4. … anyone phones me, tell them I’m out.
5. Come on! … we hurry, we’ll catch the bus!
6. … I play tennis with Justin, he always wins.
7. The shops are full of things to buy … Christmas comes.
8. «I’ve lost my bag.» - «… I find it, I’ll let you know.»

Упражнение 3 . Составьте сложное предложение из двух простых, используя союзы, данные в скобках. Примените правило 1.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: I’ll wait here. You’ll get back. (until ) — I’ll wait here until you get back.

1. Give me a ring. You’ll hear some news. (when)
2. The TV programme will end. I’ll do my homework. (after)
3. I’ll go to work. I’ll have a bath. (before)
4. She’ll be in Paris. She’ll visit friends. (when)
5. The lesson will end. I’ll go home. (as soon as)
6. I won’t leave the house. The postman will call. (until)
7. Can you feed the cats? I’ll be away, (when)
8. I’ll tell you about the holiday. I’ll get back. (when)
9. I’ll study English. I’ll speak it perfectly. (until)

Упражнение 4 . Ваш друг уезжает на каникулы. Задайте ему вопросы о его поездке.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: What/do/miss/plane? — What will you do if you miss the plane?

1. What/do/plane/be delayed?
2. Where/stay/hotels/be full?
3. Who/talk to/not make any friends?
4. What/do/not like the food?
5. Where/go/beaches/be crowded?
6. What/do/get sunburnt?

Упражнение 5 . Раскройте скобки, правильно употребив времена Future Simple и Present Simple.

ОБРАЗЕЦ. When I (see) Tom tomorrow, I (invite) him to our party. — When I see Tom tomorrow, I will invite him to our party.

1. Before you (leave), don’t forget to shut the windows. 2. I (phone) you as soon as I (arrive) in London. 3. Please don’t touch anything before the police (come). 4. Everyone (be) very surprised if he (pass) the exams. 5. When you (see) Brian again, you (not/ recognize) him. 6. We (not/start) dinner until Jack (arrive). 7. (you/ feel) lonely without me while I (be) away? 8. If I (need) any help, I (ask) you. 9. Come on! Hurry up! Ann (be) annoyed if we (be) late.

Упражнение 6. Объедините два предложения в одно по образцу. Используй союзы времени или условия по смыслу.

ОБРАЗЕЦ. You are going to leave soon. You must visit the doctor before that. — You must visit the doctor before you leave.

1. I’ll find somewhere to live. Then I’ll give you my address.
2. It’s going to start raining. Let’s go out before that.
3. I’m going to do the shopping. Then I’ll come home straight.
4. You’ll be in London next month. You must come and see me then.
5. I’m going to finish reading this book. Then I’ll get the dinner ready. (when)
6. We’ll make our decision. Then we’ll let you know. (as soon as)

Упражнение 7 . Вставьте вместо точек if или when.
1. … I see Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite him to our party.
2. … it rains this evening, I won’t go out.
3. I’ll phone you … I get back.
4. I’m feeling very tired. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home.
5. I’ll be very surprised … he doesn’t get the job.

Упражнение 8. Составьте смысловые цепочки предложений по образцу, используя if и will.

ОБРАЗЕЦ. If the earth gets warmer, the sea will get warmer. — If the sea gets warmer, the ice at the North and South Poles will melt. — If the ice …, etc.

1. the earth gets warmer
2. the sea gets warmer
3. the ice at the North and South Poles melts
4. the sea level rises
5. there are floods in many parts of the world

Упражнение 9 . Ваш друг отправляется за границу. Задайте ему вопросы.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: What/do/fall ill? - What will you do if you fall ill?

1. What/do/lose your passport?
2. What/do/not like/the food?
3. Where/go/need to phone your parents?
4. What/do/want/to make friends?
5. What/do/decide to improve your pronunciation?

Упражнение 10 . Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму. Предложения относятся к будущему.

1. If you (eat) another cake, you (be) sick. 2. You (fail) your exam if you (not/study) hard. 3. What you (do) if you (fail)? 4. Our children and grandchildren (suffer) if we (not/look after) our planet. 5. If you (be) late, I (go) without you. 6. If she (pass) her driving test, she (buy) a car. 7. If my neighbours (not/stop) making a noise, I (complain).

Итак, настало время обобщить все изученное по теме и проверить на практике, как хорошо вы отличаете реальное и нереальное условие в английском языке. Вас ждут упражнения по теме «Conditionals» . Данные упражнения относятся к уровню средний, так как самое сложное (смешанное) условие осталось пока за кадром. Начинающим изучать эту тему рекомендую сначала выполнить

Conditionals. Упражнения на все виды условных предложений (повторение)

Упражнение 1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предло­жения выражали реальное условие.

1. If I (see) John, I’ll tell him your news. 2. He (be) very pleased if it (be) really true. 3. If you (go) to town on Monday, you (meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (need) help, my father (help) you. 5. We (have) a picnic lunch if the day (be) fine. 6. If you (ask) a policeman, he (tell) you the way. 7. I (finish) the job tomorrow if I (can). 8. I (not/take) an umbrella if (not/rain). 9. If they (catch) the bus now, they (arrive) at half past nine. 10. He (find) the answers if he (look) in the keys. 11. If he (write) to her, she (answer) at once. 12. He (lose) weight if he (stop) eating too much. 13. If she (be) patient, I (try) to explain. 14. If we (leave) at once, we (catch) the ear­ly train. 15. If she (drink) this medicine, she (feel) much better.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки таким образом, чтобы предложения выра­жали: а) реальное условие; b) нереальное условие.

1. If I (know), I (tell) you. 2. If she (want) to talk, she (ring up). 3. If he (have) enough money, he (buy) a large house. 4. She (feel) lonely if Peter (go) away. 5. We (be) pleased to see you if you (arrive). 6. If we (can) come on Sunday, we (come). 7. I (understand) Mr Smith if he (speak) slowly. 8. We (not/go) by ship unless there (be) no other way.

Упражнение 3 . Выберите наиболее подходящие типы условных предложений и раскройте скобки .

1. If it (rain), I won’t go out. 2. You would learn more if you (study) sometimes. 3. If he (ask) me, I would have told him the answer. 4. You would have done well if you (take) my advice. 5. I wouldn’t phone you here unless it (be) urgent. 6. She’ll catch cold, if her feet (get) wet in this weather. 7. Unless you apologize at once, I never (speak) to you again. 8. If we (have) nothing to do, life would be boring.

Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения, найдя соответствие между левой и правой колонками.

1. If I go on a diet a. we’ll make a snowman.
2. If it’s sunny tomorrow b. I’ll buy you some sweets.
3. If John doesn’t hurry с she’ll have to take a taxi.
4. If it snows d. I’ll lose weight.
5. If there are no buses e. he’ll be late.
6. If you are a good girl f. we’ll go for a picnic.

Упражнение 5. Закончите предложения .

  1. If I had enough money ….
  2. If it doesn’t rain soon … .
  3. I’ll stay at home if … .
  4. I wouldn’t have come to the theatre on time if …
  5. If I left home for work earlier ….
  6. If I won a prize … .
  7. If I were a king … .
  8. If I told my parents the truth ….
  9. If I were you ….
  10. If I were rich ….

Упражнение 6. Отметьте предложения, в которых допущены ошибки.

a) What would you study when you went to college next year?
b) What will you study if you go to the college next year?

a) What will you be when you grow up?
b) What you be if you grow up?

a) If she hadn’t broken the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for it.
b) If she hasn’t broken the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for it.

a) I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
b) I wouldn’t do that if I was you.

a) My mother will blame me if she knew.
b) My mother will blame me if she knows.

Упражнение 7.

1. If I see him, I (tell) him the news. 2. The table will break if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all the cakes, he will be ill. 4. If I find уour book, I (let) you know. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. 6. If he (read) late at night, he is sleepy in the morning. 7. If he (need) a pen, he can borrow mine. 8. Your car (be stolen) if you left it unlocked. 9. The teacher will get angry if you (make) many mistakes. 10. She will be furious if she (hear) this. 11. If you boil some water, I (make) tea. 12. If you leave your bag here, it (be lost). 13. You’ll miss the bus if you (not/leave) at once. 14. If you come late, they (not/let) you in.

Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

1. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) to keep it? 2. If I had a player typewriter, I (listen) to music. 3. If I (know) her address, I’d write a letter to her. 4. If he worked slowly, he (not/make) so many mis­takes. 5. I could tell you the truth if I (know). 6. He might get fat if he (not/stop) eating much. 7. I (have) a car if I could afford it. 8. What would you do if you (get) stuck between two floors? 9. If he (know) that it was dangerous he wouldn’t come. 10. If I (win) a big money prize, I’d give up my job.

Упражнение 9. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

  1. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
  2. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not/see) it with my own eye.
  3. If you had told me that beforehand, I (find) some money for you.
  4. If he had asked you, you (answer)?
  5. If I (have) a book, I wouldn’t have been bored.
  6. If you (speak) slowly, he might have understood you.
  7. I (take) a taxi if I had understood that it was too late.
  8. If I (be) ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.
  9. She had a headache, otherwise she (come).
  10. If my mother (know) about the party, she would have baked a cake.
  11. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.
  12. If I were you, I (not/buy) such expensive things.
  13. If I (live) in the country, I (have) a dog.
  14. What you (do) if someone gave you a million pounds?
  15. If I (be) you, I (look) for another job.

But for – если бы не

  1. But for the rain we (reach) the station on time.
  2. But for the weather I (enjoy) my holidays.
  3. But for the mosquitoes I (sleep) well.

Упражнение 10. Объедините предложения по образцу.

Образец. I’ll pass this exam. I’ll go to the university. =

If I pass this exam, I’ll go to the university.

  1. He can find a cheap flat. He’ll stay here for two more weeks.
  2. They don’t speak English, so his English doesn’t improve.
  3. The baby is a girl. They’ll call her Ann.
  4. He doesn’t work overtime. He doesn’t earn much.
  5. He didn’t help me. I didn’t do my work on time.
  6. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
  7. We didn’t visit the museum because we had no time.
  8. You will come late. You need to a taxi.
  9. The shop is closed. I can’t buy milk for supper.

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной форме.

Laura (live) in a big city. If she (live) in the country, she (have) a dog. Laura (share) a flat with three other girls. But if it (be) possible, she (live) on her own. If she (live) in the country, she (buy) a little cot­tage, and she (grow) her own flowers and vegetables. In town, she (travel) by underground and (go) shopping in big department stores, but she (not/like) this at all. If she (be) in the country, she (ride) her bike, and she (buy) things in the little village shop. She (love) walking and often (go) for a walk in town, but the streets are noisy. In the country, she (walk) across the fields with her dog.

Упражнение 12. Переведите на английский

  1. Если увидишь Тома, попроси его позвонить мне. 2. Я бы получил эту работу, если бы у меня было образование (had a degree). 3. Если бы у меня была машина, я бы не опоздал на поезд. 4. Если бы он знал, что ты вчера был дома, он бы зашел. 5. Будь я на твоем месте, я бы стал просить ее помочь.

Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык. Обозначьте (RC – реальное условие, UC – нереальное условие)

  1. Я куплю хлеб, если магазин все еще будет открыт.
  2. На твоем месте я бы последовал совету родителей. (follow)
  3. Если ты звонишь по телефону после 8 вечера, это дешевле.
  4. Если мы приедем рано, будет не трудно купить билеты на концерт.
  5. Если бы у меня было 5 тысяч евро, я бы отправился на Гаити (Haiti).
  6. Если бы мне не нужно было идти, я бы с удовольствием поболтал с тобой.
  7. Тебе следует заняться чем-то новым, если тебе скучно.
  8. Этот пирог был бы вкуснее, если бы ты добавил больше сахара.
  9. Если бы у меня было больше друзей, я был бы счастливее.
  10. Если мы пойдем куда –нибудь поесть (go out for a meal) , давай пойдем в ресторан.
  11. Растение засыхает, если ты не поливаешь его.
  12. Если я сплю мало ночью, я засыпаю на уроках. (feel sleepy)